Open Source Community Summit
Open Source Community Summit: The Tools of Open Source Cooperation
Date and duration: Friday 31 October 2014, 1/2 day Session Organizer: Cedric Thomas, OW2
The Open World Forum Community Summit is an annual open workshop focusing on the growth and management of open source communities. This year, leaders and practitioners from free and open source software communities will discuss the evolution of the technical resources made available to open source projects.
Open source projects are collaborative by nature, they are always supported by some shared technical infrastructure. Open source developers now have free access to a number of online tools they could not have imagined years ago. GitHub, Bitbucket, SourceForge, ohloh, Cloudbees, etc. they all offer useful services to open source projects. While open source communities are not defined only by their technical infrastructures, the provision of tangible resources play a significant role in keeping them together.
Is the growing supply of free tools changing the role of open source communities and the way they operate? What evolution are we witnessing in our day-to-day operations? What is happening to the community as the place where a collective governance is implemented. Is it disappearing?
Are the community-less projects the future of open source collaboration? Now that development tools are freely available and in abundance, it may be that communities do not need to run technical infrastructures. If that is the case, what is the future of the 'infrastructure-less' community?
Who should attend: - open source projects leaders and contributors - open source business managers - community members - government policy makers - strategic planning specialists - students and developers
Come and share your opinion, your questions, your expectations and concerns in a lively, interactive session with practitioners of great open source communities including Apache Foundation, Eclipse Foundation, LibreOffice Foundation and OW2.
The Open World Forum website (link is external) (the CFP (link is external))
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