Edito Open World Forum 2014 -- THINK innovation through Openness
Innovation really does matter. It is both a state of mind at the individual scale and a strategic priority for our whole society.
Believing that innovation necessarily involves openness - of our minds of course, but also of locks within the current system - the theme THINK tackles these two aspects with the main goals to take back control of the societal issues which concern all of us in order to fully benefit from our digital society.
The first day consist of a plenary with a panel of experts (thirty!) who, in a collaborative exercise, discuss current and future challenges: the major orientations of the sector, the convergences with the concept of open government, the economical impacts, the role of community actions and our perspectives. As a perfect illustration, the Open Law program co-sponsored by OWF, DILA, Etalab and NUMA will be launched on the topic of collaboration and innovation around the bases of open legal data.
The second day combine practical experience and feedbacks from prospective studies, with a special effort devoted to identifying synergies existing between the various facets of the free and collaborative movements: from commons to openness, from Open Data to Open Gov and Open Hardware, from Open Source to Open Cloud and Open Innovation, etc. These themes are completed by transveral approaches as business models, legal and management aspects, education and vocational training, european perspective, etc.
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